Presenter Discussion

Society and Ritual in the Formative Period

Scheduled Time Saturday, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST
Berkeley, California
Related Submissions: 
  • Dr. Silvia Rodriguez Kembel, University of Colorado - Boulder — Lessons from the Lanzón: Insights on the Construction of Social Complexity from the Early Galleries at Chavín de Huántar, Perú”
  • Dr. Sarah A. Massey , Independent — New Geoglyphs, New Insights: La Peña de Tajahuana, Ica
  • Dr. Christian Mesia-Montenegro, Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista — Embedded Religiousness and the Kotosh Religious Tradition in the Central Andes: New evidence from La Seductora and Macabalaca in the Ancash and La Libertad regions
  • Lisseth Rojas-Pelayo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú — ¿Cuánta carne hay en casa? Aproximaciones a la distribución de carne de camélido durante el Formativo Tardío en Chavín de Huántar

In each scheduled live presenter discussion, the first authors of several presentations with intersecting themes discuss their research and comments or questions from the audience; co-authors may participate from the audience.

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Open to the first 500 who join. If you don't have a Zoom account, you will be required to establish a free one. Please allow a few minutes for this.