Thursday Schedule

No sessions have been scheduled on this day.

Friday Schedule

9:15 - 11:45 AM (PST) PST
Berkeley, California
Presenter Discussion
Participating authors:
  • Stephen Berquist, Sabino Quispe, Abimael Choqque, Alexei  Vranich — Pre-Inka Saqsaywaman and the Urban Origins of Inka Cusco
  • David Brown — A reassessment of the Inka conquest of northern Ecuador: Learning from three decades of Inka fortification studies
  • José de la Puente Luna, Manuel Perales Munguía — A Village at the Crossroads: Pathways, Bridges, and Resettlement Landscapes in Colonial Jauja, Peru

Zoom Access Code: 688714


Friday Morning Paper Presentations:

9:15-9:30am (PST)

President’s Welcome, Christine Hastorf


9:30-10:30am (PST)

Session chair: Kevin Lane, CONICET, Universidad de Buenos Aires


Stephen Berquist, University of Warsaw, Sabino Quispe, Independent Researcher, and Abimael Choqque, Independent Researcher

Pre-Inka Saqsaywaman and the Urban Origins of Inka Cusco


David Brown, University of Texas

A reassessment of the Inka conquest of Northern Ecuador


Break 10:30-10:45am (PST)


10:45-11:45am (PST)

Luis Fernando Bejar Luksic, Washington University in Saint Louis, Anli Chalco Salas, Independent Researcher and Cesar Abad Perez, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú

Constructing and Disarticulating the World Landscapes, Memory, and Power in Cuzco Inka: the Case of Chakan


José Carlos de la Puente Luna, Texas State University and Manuel Perales Munguía, Universidad Continental

A Village at the Crossroads: Pathways, Bridges, and Resettlement Landscapes in Colonial Jauja, Peru

1:00-2:30 PM (PST) PST
Berkeley, California
Poster Discussion
Participating authors:
  • Julia Earle — Wankar Wasi Ruway: Making a Drum-Shaped House in the Sacred Valley (Cusco, Peru)
  • Jessica Flynn, Emily Schach, Lars Fehren-Schmitz, Jane Buikstra — With Great Care, Comes Great Responsibility: Using Tuberculosis in Bioarchaeology of Care Case Studies from Chiribaya Alta This poster may contain photos or other realistic images of human remains.
  • Max Shachar, Sarah Baitzel, Arturo Rivera Infante, James Davenport — Sama-Cabuza ceramic production and exchange: Neutron activation analysis of 18 ceramic sherds from the 12th century agropastoralist site of Los Batanes
  • Morgan Hall, Luis Flores-Blanco , Luisa Hinostroza, Jelmer Eerkens , Randall Haas,  Mark  Aldenderfer — Zooarchaeological Signals of Social Stratification : Faunal Analysis of the Archaic Burial Site of Kaillachuro (Lake Titicaca Basin, Peru)
  • Lizbeth Pariona Muñoz, Aracely Pérez Cruz, Jheferson Rodríguez Paredes , Cayla Jordan , Aleksalía Isla Alayo, Arianna Garvin Suero — MATERIAL CULTURAL VIRÚ EN PUERTO MALABRIGO, VALLE DE CHICAMA, PERÚ

Zoom Access Code: 861475


Friday Afternoon Poster Session:

1:00-2:30pm (PST)

Session chair: Sofia Chacaltana, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya


Julia Earle, Central Michigan University

Wankar Wasi Ruway: Making a Drum-Shaped House in the Sacred Valley (Cusco, Peru)


Jessica Flynn, Independent Researcher, Emily Schach, University of California – Santa Cruz, Lars Fehren-Schmitz, University of California – Santa Cruz and Jane Buikstra, Arizona State University

With Great Care, Comes Great Responsibility: Using Tuberculosis in Bioarchaeology of Care Case Studies from Chiribaya Alta


Max C. Shachar, Washington University in Saint Louis, Sarah Baitzel, Washington University in Saint Louis, Arturo Rivera Infante, Washington University in Saint Louis and James Davenport, University of Missouri

Sama-Cabuza Ceramic Production and Exchange: Neutron Activation Analysis of 18 Ceramic Sherds from the 12th-century Agropastoral site of Los Batanes


Morgan Hall, University of California – Davis, Luis Flores-Blanco, Arizona State University, Luisa Honostroza, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Jelmer Eerkens, University of California – Davisand Randall Haas, University of Wyoming

Zooarchaeological Signals of Social Stratification: Faunal Analysis of the Archaic Burial Site of Kaillachuro (Lake Titicaca Basin, Peru)


Lizbeth Pariona Muñoz, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Aracely Pérez Cruz, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Jheferson Rodríguez Paredes, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Cayla Jordan, Harvard University, Aleksalía Isla Alayo, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, and Arianna Garvin Suero, University of California, San Diego.

Material Cultural Virú en Puerto Malabrigo, Valle de Chicama, Perú

2:30-4:30 PM (PST) PST
Berkeley, California
Presenter Discussion
Participating authors:
  • Christian Mesia-Montenegro — Untangling the chronological complexities of the Andean Central Coast Formative Period: A Bayesian reassessment
  • Alexander Herrera — My ancestor´s place, time, and size: The spatiotemporal grammar of mortuary landscapes in the Cordillera Blanca (Ancash, Peru) This presentation may contain photos or other realistic images of human remains.
  • Bradymir Bravo Meza, Fabrizio Mora Sansotta — Agua, comunidad y gobernanza: La memoria hidrosocial del Paisaje Arqueológico de la Meseta de Marcahuasi, San Pedro de Casta, provincia de Huarochirí (Lima-Perú)
  • Maria Sellers, Gabriel Prieto — Looking Beyond the Looting: Preliminary Excavations in the Southern Cemetery Sector of Chan Chan, Peru This presentation may contain photos or other realistic images of human remains.

Zoom Access Code: 861475


Friday Afternoon Paper Presentations:

2:30-4:30pm (PST)

Session chair: Sofia Chacaltana, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya


Christian Mesia-Montenegro, Universidad Privada del Norte

Untangling the Chronological Complexities of the Andean Central Coast Formative Period: a Bayesian reassessment


Alexander Herrera, Universidad de los Andes

My Ancestor’s Place, Time, and Size: the Spatiotemporal Grammar of Mortuary Landscapes in the Cordillera Blanca (Ancash, Peru)


Bradymir Bravo Meza, Independent Researcher and Fabrizio Mora Sansotta, Independent Researcher

Agua, Comunidad y Gobernanza: la Memoria Hidrosocial del Paisaje Arqueológico de la Meseta de Marcahuasi, San Pedro de Casta, provincia de Huarochirí (Lima-Perú)


Maria Sellers, University of Florida and Gabriel Prieto, University of Florida

Looking Beyond the Looting: Preliminary Excavations in the Southern Cemetery Sector of Chan Chan, Peru

5:00 PM (PST) PST
Berkeley, California

Members Have Received Zoom Access Codes (Check Email)

Annual Business Meeting (IAS Members Only)

Saturday Schedule

9:30 - 11:45 AM (PST) PST
Berkeley, California
Presenter Discussion
Participating authors:
  • Ann Peters, Ruth Armitage — Sequential analysis and dating of yarn fragments from six Paracas mantles in bundle WK12-382 This presentation may contain photos or other realistic images of human remains.
  • Nádia Carrasco Pagnossi — Entendiendo los cambios en Magdalena de Cao: Empoderamiento femenino, turismo y valoración del pasado precolombino
  • Andrew Roddick, Kathryn Killackey, Giles Spence Morrow — Emergent Heads & Incipient Urbanism
  • Edgar Bracamonte Lévano — El recinto con forma en “D” en Santa Rosa de Pucalá: Integración Religiosa y dinamismo territorial en el valle de Lambayeque This presentation may contain photos or other realistic images of human remains.

Zoom Access Code: 991787


Saturday Morning Paper Presentations:

9:30-10:30am (PST)

Session chair: Tamara Walker, Barnard College, Columbia University


Ann H. Peters, Penn Museum and Ruth Armitage, Eastern Michigan University

Sequential Analysis and Dating of Yarn Fragments from six Paracas Mantles in Bundle WK12-382


Nádia Carrasco Pagnossi, MAE-USP

Entendiendo los Cambios en Magdalena de Cao: Empoderamiento Femenino, Turismo y Valoración del Pasado Precolombino


Break 10:30–10:45am (PST)


10:45-11:45 AM (PST)


Andrew Roddick, McMaster University, Kathryn Killackey, Killackey Illustration and Giles Spence Morrow, McMaster University

Emergent Heads & Incipient Urbanism


Edgar Bracamonte Lévano, Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo

El recinto con forma en “D” en Santa Rosa de Pucalá: integración religiosa y dinamismo territorial en el valle de Lambayeque

2:00 - 4:30 PM (PST) PST
Berkeley, California
Presenter Discussion
Participating authors:
  • Leo Garofalo — Afro-Andean and Indigenous Relations in Colonial Highland Communities and Workplaces
  • Emily Thompson — Archivos in/existentes: Recovering disappeared photographs from the epicenter of the Peruvian Internal Armed Conflict
  • Jhon Zuñiga Tapia, Nicholas Brown — Patrimonio participativo pasqueño y la esperanza de arqueología-museología comunitaria: Los casos de las comunidades de Pallanchacra y Chaupimarca, Pasco, Perú

Zoom Access Code: 149979


Saturday Afternoon Paper Presentations:

2:00-3:00pm (PST)

Session chair: José Carlos de la Puente Luna, Texas State University


Flor Palomino Arana, Independent Researcher

Relaciones Interétnicas y Género en los Matrimonios entre Cónyuges Afroandinos e Indígenas en el Cusco, 1650-1720


Leo Garofalo, Connecticut College

Afro-Andean and Indigenous Relations in Colonial Highland Communities and Workplaces


Break 3:00-3:30pm (PST)


3:30-4:30pm (PST)

Emily Thompson, University of California, Berkeley

Archivos In/existentes: Recovering Disappeared Photographs from the Epicenter of the Peruvian Internal Armed Conflict


Jhon Zuñiga Tapia, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and Nicholas Brown, University of Toronto

Patrimonio Participativo Pasqueño y la Esperanza de Arqueología-Museología Comunitaria: los Casos de las Comunidades de Pallanchacra y Chaupimarca, Pasco, Perú

6:00 PM (PST) PST
Berkeley, California
Participating authors:
  • Jessica Ortiz Zevallos, Lisa Trever, Michele Koons, Jose Ochatoma Cabrera, Gabriela De Los Ríos Farfán — Tejiendo los relatos de Pañamarca. Excavaciones en la Sala del imaginario moche

Zoom Access Code: 229071


Saturday Evening Keynote Speaker:

6:00 PM (PST)

Session Chair: Sofia Chacaltana, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya & Kevin Lane, CONICET

Jessica Ortiz Zevallos, PRIA Paisajes Arqueológicos de Pañamarca, Lisa Trever, Columbia University, Michele Koons, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, José Ochatoma Cabrera, PRIA Paisajes Arqueológicos de Pañamarca and Gabriela De Los Ríos Farfán, PRIA Paisajes Arqueológicos de Pañamarca

Tejiendo los Relatos de Pañamarca. Excavaciones en la Sala del Imaginario Moche

Sunday Schedule

No sessions have been scheduled on this day.