For initial submissions (prior to peer review), you can submit one Microsoft Word document containing all parts of the manuscript described below, or separate files. For final submissions, please submit separate files for the manuscript text, figure captions, and each table and figure. Throughout, please use Microsoft Word, in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced. Text, citations, and references should conform to the style guides for American Antiquity and Latin American Antiquity. Click here for English style guide. Click here for Spanish style guide.
- Title
- Author(s): Include institutional affiliation (if any) and email address for each.
- English abstract: 100 words (up to 150 words if paper is in Spanish).
- Spanish abstract: 100 words (up to 150 words if paper is in English).
- Manuscript text: Use at least 1.5" margins.
- Figures: Submit each figure as a separate file, named "(last name) Figure 1", etc. Images may be in color or B/W, must be in JPEG or GIF format at 600 or higher dpi. Do not embed captions in images. For photographs of artifacts, please use neutral backgrounds (ideally not white, black, or highly colored), and consider using dual lighting sources (or diffuse daylight) to avoid deep shadows. Also, consider digital scans of documents (sketches, letters, etc.) instead of photographs.
- Figure captions: Submit in a separate Word file.
- Tables: Submit each in a separate file, named "(last name) Table 1" etc. Number tables in the order they should appear in the text.
- Acknowledgments
- Notes (If needed)
- References Cited: Spell out all authors' first names. Use style guides linked to above. Follow the American Antiquity and Latin American Antiquity style guides linked to above. When in doubt, consult the most recent issue of Ñawpa Pacha.
- Primary Heading Style: CAPS, centered, bold, 2 blank lines above, 1 below.
- Secondary Heading Style: Title Case, flush left, bold, 1 blank line above, 1 below.
- Tertiary Heading Style: Title Case, indented, bold, followed by period. Text follows on same line, 1 blank line above.
- References: Follow American Antiquity style: (Author year:pages)
- Figures, Tables: In parentheses, spell out “Figure” or “Table”