- Active Members
- Most members hold a Ph.D., Lic., or other terminal degree, or have made distinguished contributions to the field, and have shown an interest in the Institute’s activities, usually by presenting research at an Annual Meeting.
- Vote, pay dues, and receive Ñawpa Pacha.
- Corresponding Members
- Anyone who lives outside of the United States and Canada and shows active interest in Andean Studies and the Institute. Corresponding members often hold a Ph.D., Lic., or other terminal degree, or have made distinguished contributions to the field, and have shown an interest in the Institute’s activities, often by presenting research at an Annual Meeting, although this criterion may be relaxed in recognition of the cost and difficulty of international travel.
- Do not vote, pay reduced dues, and receive Ñawpa Pacha.
- Honorary Members
- Are awarded membership in recognition of distinguished services to Andean studies over a long period.
- Vote, do not pay dues, and receive Ñawpa Pacha.
- Affiliates
- Students pursuing advanced degrees in Andean studies and want to participate in the Institute.
- Affiliates are encouraged to participate in the Institute’s governance and committees
- Do not vote, pay reduced fees, do not receive Ñawpa Pacha.
- Affiliates may be elected to Active membership.
- If you would like to become an affiliate please email the Secretary at
New members are nominated by existing members or may self-nominate and then elected by the Directors. Membership is meant to be a small recognition or endorsement of standing in Andean research. Membership is normally permanent regardless of dues payment unless the member is unresponsive for a long period, but for Active members, access to Ñawpa Pacha and full participation require dues payment. If you are a member and wish to nominate someone, please go to the New Membership Nomination Form page and fill out the appropriate form. If you wish to send in digital copy via email, download the New Membership Nomination Form, complete as much of it as possible, and email it to the Secretary at