Presenter Discussion

Presenter Session 1: Power and Tawantisuyu

Scheduled Time Thursday, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST
Berkeley, California
Related Submissions: 
  • Ryan Scott Hechler, Department of Anthropology, Tulane University; Latin American & Iberian Institute, The University of New Mexico — The Inka at Cochasquí: Revisiting 90 Years After Max Uhle This presentation may contain photos or other realistic images of human remains.
  • Anthony Alex Villar Quintana, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos — Chuspipata, un centro administrativo inca en la Alta Amazonía del nororiente peruano
  • Annick Benavides, Harvard University — The Treasure of Coricancha
  • Dra. (c) Dagmar J. Bachraty, Universidad de Chile — Los objetos ofrendados en una Capacocha. Arte, movilidad y territorialidad dentro del sacrificio inca This presentation may contain photos or other realistic images of human remains.

Open to the first 500 who join. If you don't have a Zoom account, you will be required to establish a free one. Please allow a few minutes for this.