64th Annual Meeting of the Institute for Andean Studies
January 12-13th, 2024
145 Dwinelle Hall, University of California, Berkeley

FRIDAY  MORNING  9:15-11:45

Session chair: Cathy Costin, California State University, Northridge

President’s Welcome, Christine Hastorf

Sarah Massey, Independent Researcher
Monumental Architecture on the South Summit of Cerro Tajahuana, Ica Valley

Arianna garvin, University of California San Diego
Preliminary Findings from Viru Household Excavations at Puerto Malabrigo, Chicama Valley, Peru

Break  10:30-10:45am

Emanuela Rudnicka, University of Warsaw
Threads of history: Revealing the Craft, Aesthetics, and Cultural Significance of Pre-Hispanic Cane Baskets

Meghan Tierney, Ursinus College and Shelley Burian, Lisa and Bernard Selz Curator of Textile Arts of the Americas at the George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum
Nasca Figural Representations and a Reexamination of the “Harvest Festival” Textile

FRIDAY  MIDDAY  12:00-1:30pm

Return of the Commensal Feast, Howard Room, The Faculty Club, ground floor (all are welcome; no signup or schedule; purchase cafeteria lunch and enter the room down the hall from the cafeteria)


Poster session

Karla Gaspar, University of California San Diego
Exploring Coexistence and Lithic Production in Tiwanaku Colonies

Kelly Moss, University of California San Diego
Domestic Organization at Río Muerto M70 in Moquegua Valley, Perú: A Spatial Examination of a Provincial Tiwanaku Household Unit

Elliot Summers, University of California Santa Cruz
Shifting Identities: Flexibility in Age Identities and the Development of Gender in Chiribaya Juveniles at Chiribaya Alta

Session chair: Patricia Knobloch, Institute of Andean Studies

Aleksa Alaica, University of British Columbia and Luis Manuel Gonzalez, University of British Columbia & University of Toronto
Returning Home: First Millennium CE Domestic Foodways and Exchange at Cocahuischo, Nasca, Peru

James Davenport, University of Missouri and Marie-Claude Boileau, University of Pennsylvania
Examining Forming Techniques for Inka Urpus using X-Radiography: Tawantinsuyu and Pachacamac

Break  3:30-3:45pm

Ivan Ghezzi, Universidad de Piura and Manuel Medrano, Harvard University
Refining khipu chronology via Bayesian modeling: new radiocarbon evidence from the “Santa Valley Archive”

Dagmar Bachraty (IAS 2024 Travel Grantee), Universidad de Chile
El poder de las wak'as. Función y significado. Las estatuillas antropomorfas presentes en el sacrificio llamado Capacocha

Break 5:00-5:15pm

Annual Business Meeting (IAS members only)


Session chair: Maria Bruno, University of Nevada, Reno

Amelia Pérez Trujillo, Ministerio de Cultura Cusco
Qotakalli, un poblado de "mitmas" en el valle del Cusco

Hubert Quispe Bustamante, Zuayer Consultores y Ejecutores S.A.C.
El Culto al Agua y a los Ancestros en la Escultura Monumental Inka de Chinkana Grande de Saqsaywaman, Cusco

Break  10:30–10:45am

Wilber Bolívar, Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Lucy Salazar, Yale University, and Luis Guevara, Dirección Desconcentrada de Cultura-Cusco
Alimento de los Dioses (Apukunaq Mihunanpaq)

R. Alexander Hunter, Brown University
Dating the Construction and Collapse of Ollantaytambo’s Inka Ecology


SATURDAY  MIDDAY  12:00-1:30pm



Poster session

Thomas Snyder, University of California Davis and Elizabeth Arkush, University of Pittsburgh
Political Complexity and Gendered Violence in the Andes – A Bayesian Approach

M. Elizabeth Grávalos, Standford University
What was Huarás? A Compositional Approach to the Post-Chavín “White-on-Red” Ceramic Style in Highland Ancash, Peru

Jan Kłaput, University of Warsaw and Gonzalo Presbítero Rodríguez, Universidad Católica de Santa María
The Inca site of Muyu Muyu (dep. Arequipa, Peru) as a probable oracle of apu Solimana

Gabriel Silva Collins, University of California Los Angeles
Growing Histories: Plants, Tourism, and Inka Heritage in Chinchero, Peru


Session chair: Nicole Slovak, Santa Rosa Junior College

Rocio Ferreira, DePaul University
Mujeres combatientes, disidencia y resistencia en la literatura y cine del post-conflicto peruano

Diana Rivas Gutierrez, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Re – Construyendo Identidad: Arquitectura y Memoria en el Paisaje Urbano del Cusco

Break  3:30-3:45

IAS Leadership
    IAS Past and Future Forum



SATURDAY  EVENING  7:00pm  (Open to the public)

Christopher Heaney, Pennsylvania State University
The Three Burials of Julio César Tello

President’s reception, Archaeological Research Facility, 2251 College Building