Poster Discussion
Poster Session I
Scheduled Time Friday,
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST
Berkeley, California
Related Submissions:
- Dana Bardolph, Northern Illinois University — Power, politics, and public secrets: Assessing patterns and impacts of sexual misconduct in the Andean Studies community
- Arianna Garvin, University of California, San Diego — Preliminary Research into Past, Socio-ecological Interactions at the Site of Puerto Malabrigo, Chicama Valley, Peru
- Dr. Bebel R Ibarra, Tulane University — Recuay and its Relationship with Wari during the Middle Horizon: New Perspectives from Conchucos, Highland Ancash Esta ponencia o cartel puede contener fotos u otras imágenes realistas de restos humanos.
- Dr. Patricia Knobloch, Research Associate, Institute of Andean Studies — Moche Midwife Agency and the Enigmatic Dipper Esta ponencia o cartel puede contener fotos u otras imágenes realistas de restos humanos.
First authors of four posters are available to discuss their research with interested meeting participants; co-authors may participate from the audience.
This session includes a poster which references the IAS' new Code of Conduct.
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